Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All the latest with Matt.

Well, some of the latest. Ryan, one of our producers and of course a rider in the film and good friend of all of us, has been riding me to get on here and write. I noticed a significant gap in blogging, so I figure now's the time.

Life's been pretty sweet since the ride ended and I moved to San Diego. A major influence in getting me to move here was the biking trip making me want to have the ability to ride year round. Finances were tough after taking almost four months off of work, then moving, then needing to find a job, so I actually haven't been able to get a bike of my own until just a week ago. I need to patch the tire, which has a large gouge in it, but it was free, so I'm not complaining. I have begun to regret giving my mountain bike away, along with all my other personal possessions, as I had no idea the economy would crash whilst we were riding that summer. My plan all along was to have a job that would make it fairly easy to obtain much of these things again, but that was not the case. Nonetheless, the weather, the people, the terrain, the city of San Diego is so nice, pretty much all year round, that I feel little other than contentment and happiness every day. But don't tell anyone. I can't have the whole nation moving down here and ruining my paradise. I've done a lot of camping, hiking, swimming, and am starting surfing and kayaking. There's beautiful athletic people all over the beaches and something to do almost any day of the week, from concerts to events to just a bit of beach volleyball. I've done a bit of crouquet and bacci ball type stuff as well, rounding out my older person sports, just in case grandpa wants to put some money down on a shuffle board tournament or what such things.

With all that's going on it's difficult to keep up with my obligation to keeping up with the website, and I'm even having difficulty keeping in shape after having been biking for four months straight all day pretty much every day. I often dream of doing another biking trip. It was stressful at the time, but looking back, it was so nice to have only one commitment; getting up and peddling in a general direction until the sun went down.

I'm still sifting through thousands of photos, so expect to see more and more added to the photo galleries in the coming month. I'm off now, as I have to start work in about half an hour, but expect to hear more from me as I want to get back into the swing of this. And I'll try to add more humor in the coming blogs, this one was a bit too "how do you do?".

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