Wow, (said the People) Andy must have been a part of a Separatist movement. Just like the Pilgrims! Hmmm... I'll bet that due to Scott's sickness, Andy and Matt went ahead with the knowledge that Scott, Stu, and Ryan would travel in two days what it takes the duo in three. Yeah, (the People continued) Andy and Matt SEPARATATED from the group just like the Pilgrim's separated from England. They probably biked ahead to a town called Missoula, Montana, and got passed on the way by a hitchhiking Scott who didn't feel up to for the ride yet. Yeah, (the People said, getting close to concluding) Andy's probably waiting in a Coffee shop in Missoula for Ryan and Stu with the Goodhart Brothers.
Well guess what (this is Andy now, not the People), You people are WRONG! I'm waiting in a coffee shop AND BAKERY! Boy are you guys dumb! I practically fed you People the answer, I mean I mentioned the PILGRIMS! That screams "Bakery."
Boy, I was going to write all about Matt and my adventures away from the pack, but now I don't even know if you People are smart enough to read!
Yeah that will be it then....
Oh wait, but what about all the intelligent ANIMALS that read these blogs, they probably knew that I was waiting in a coffee shop and Bakery and not just a stand alone coffee shop.
Okay Animals, here you go:
Scott was sick. Andy and Matt are slow. We figured that Matt and I should go ahead so as to avoid getting woefully behind schedule.
Our plan was to go 55 to 70 miles each day for three days. That would get us to Missoula. The others were going to leave a day later and book it to meet us in two days.
I got drunk in hot springs
Matt and I rode to missoula in two days instead of one.
Ummm.... I got a new wheel
I..... ummmmm.... I fought.... a ummmm.. I fed a Unicorn a handful of bees and she turned into a portal to Disneyland.
Mickey Mouse and I were playing Poker and he was losing big time. He offered me Minnie's hand in marriage. And I won!
Minnie transformed into a turtle, so now I'm married to a turtle! (which I suppose is only slightly worse that being married to a mouse.
And then..... Explosion. Everything blows up.
Okay, I'm rereading this thing and it is clear that I am getting sleepy. I could go back and fix it, make it comprehensible... but I don't think I want to do that right now. Or ever.
Love and Kissys for all eternity,
Andy J.
I wrote to C in CO to alert her you'll be contacting her, and below is her response. She asked me to post it as she seems to be "unbloggable." Here 'tis:
Get on that bike and get to Colorado! I'll make chicken soup when you get here, then dehydrate it so you can put a piece between your teeth and gums now and then during the rest of the ride! Call when you get close--would it be cheating to get a ride up to Clark? Can't wait to see you guys! Really, I'll feed you up. Let me know what you're craving!
Wish I could be there with you all! Happy trails to you! (One of our many CO backpacking signature songs from way back during "the days.") gmom
me again ... you should submit your film(s) to the A2 Film Festival if not this time around then next ...
Dear loved ones,
I am writing to tell you about the many changes that have occurred in our homeland. You deserve to know the truth. It all started with global warming. Few showed fear when the average temperature of March topped February's average. However, we have been faced with 6 consecutive months of increasing average temperatures. Fortunately the general public is in agreement that a nation-wide change must be made. The people have decided to replace the president himself. There is rumor that there will be an election for a new commander and chief shortly, possibly even as soon as November. I fear that when you come back you may not even recognize this place you once called home, but I do not think your voyage was a mistake. The changes seem beyond our power and staying to fight them would have merely crushed you as it has crushed me. Be free while you can.
Goodbye loves,
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