Friday, July 4, 2008

Scott: Nature

In the beginning I could describe every little nuance of a place just by having a glimpse of it along our trail. The world was spectacular and I wanted to take it all in. Now, I can think of nature in the same way I think of violence on T.V. Once you've seen a certain amount of it, your mind becomes numb. What was once spectacular is now mundane. What was beautiful is now insignificant-insignificant as our lives here on earth. Everything is so dull now and all I want is a shower. But more than a shower for me, I really want Stu to take a shower. He's so salty. That's his superpower. (saltiness)

Ryan: superpower – Smart. (smartest friend)
Matt : superpower – Easygoing
Andy: superpower – Gassy...Really really gassy.
Scott: superpower – Fast and attractive
Stu: superpower – Noted above

I'm beginning to hate my so-called “friends.” They're so whiny. But like my mom, I just tune them out. At night they drink and I go to bed. Tonight I am going to read. You know what I'm reading? The Princess Bride. You know what whiny Andy is reading? King Lear. He says it's sad. “Boo hoo. I'm Andy and I'm going to cry over this wonderful Shakespearean play.”

What I like better than nature are movies. We saw WALL.E. It was beautiful. More beautiful than any real life event could ever be. It makes me want to be in love. Not human love though. Robot love. I want to hold hands with a robot. You'll understand when you see the movie, and you should definitely see the movie.

But for serious, everything is gravy. Tomorrow we're having biscuits and gravy. They're almost as good as robot love.


Terry & Julie said...

Hey guys,

Speaking of nature, just saw the updated site and, well... Do you honestly think that the idea of donating specifically to fund the fuel tank of a gas guzzling Jeep as you drive it unnecessarily for thousands of miles at 30 mph alongside some bikes is going to encourage us to give you money?

Sorry to be the Negative Nancy here, but while I really do hope you all enjoy the trip and get a lot out of it, please understand it for what it is: a vacation. If you were looking for pledges to raise money for, y'know, breast cancer research, maybe I'd consider donating... but for your own trip and your own pollution, you are on your own.

My personal advice for the people struggling to fuel the follow car: get a bike.

Biking The States said...

Dear Terry and Julie,

Comment well received. As a rider I agree with you... however as a filmmaker you have to understand the circumstance of the gas and follow vehicle.

The trip is more than a vacation. Donations go toward the film. We are creating something to share with the world about this country and about the importance of experience in building your character.

Each rider has funded their own "vacation," and to tell you the truth the film could not be created as well with any other follow vehicle aside from the jeep.

Its a conversation and fact that has been discussed amongst all participants already, but we do appreciate the feedback.


Ryan C. Kolegas

Terry & Julie said...

Ryan and company,

Thanks for responding. You raise a bunch of serious issues that I think you should consider, however, if you're asking us to consider the trip in terms of the creation of a work of art. For right now, I'll just look at the very first thing you bring up: your dual role as rider and filmmaker.

I don't know if you've given much thought into just how problematic the collapse of the artist-subject relationship is in documentary filmmaking. The filmmaker and subject even being friends takes you into murkier territory than many people are comfortable with, let alone one of subjects actually being part of the creative and fundraising team.

Yes, there are non-fiction films which act more like the director's personal essays, but often these movies will be narrated first-person by the director, for example, which leaves no question about his role in the process. But if the trailer is any indication, it appears that you, Ryan, are presented no differently from a subject in a standard doc, a talking head interviewee just like Stuart, Dave, and that forest lady. Are you planning on making it clear within the film that you were involved from beginning to end in the process? If not, unless you handle it really cleverly, it'll just make the movie seem kind of dishonest.

My point is that while it's not impossible to be both subject and artist, it's extremely tricky and complicated to get around it, and I haven't yet seen any evidence of you really tackling that issue or making solid choices about it.

Unknown said...

Hi! You guys, I saw the trailer, and know first hand about the film you're trying to do. I think it's great that you can document your experience and let everyone know what your country and people are all about. I'm from Puerto Rico and believe me that this type of film needs to get out there, because sometimes, the perception of the US is not always the best, (at least in my part of the world) So the fact that there's a project like this in the making, it's something to look forward to..and the truth is that a lot of people can identify with it (and i mean other people besides americans) So keep it up...and personally i donated, and encourage everyone who believes in the project to do the same...Mucha Suerte!

Dan Fiorino said...

tough crowd...


From knowing you, Ryan, I know that you are not afraid to portray your image the way in which you appear. Memories of the Lewis Tournament come to mind (dropping Stephanie, hotdoggin after D's, and - of course - that f'ing foam sword). I think you should run with Terry/Julie's critique and address the issue. Maybe fill the spot with some embarrassing RK moments? I'm sure there will be some juicy ones. That's my main motivation to see the end product.

Unknown said...

Scott & Matt,
Aunt Sheri here ... in my confusion I was sending an e-mail at first. Each time I hit the send button, I was slapped down for using too many characters ... how could that be when others had left long chatty comments??? But being very compliant I kept editing and editing my note until all that was left were bare bones and every attempt at humor had to be scrapped! It took 6 tries till the message was accepted and THEN I spied the 'Post a Commnet' invitation ... so now I'll be able to chat away a length! Loved the video ... took a lot of coaxing to get my ancient PC to play it all for me, but it was worth it!
What a fabulous adventure ... just wish your route took you through Grove City ... would love to put you up and meet the other 3 guys and your crew too! Will hope to get the chance to fill you up on "Grandma's Pancakes" and hear more details before the memories fade!
Have just informed William about the link ... thought he knew ... will make certain that everyone knows now so that we can all be following you along the way!
Personally I think that you guys are loaded with character and will find much more than you ever dreamed possable as this journey unfolds ... years ago I read the story of another young man who set out to walk cross country to see what our land is all about and truly made of ... it was life changing for him.
Now to find out more about how to donate ...