Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ryan: The Worst Bike Rider

So its official. I am the worst bike rider.

It started with the knee incident. Apparently my seat was too low, or I was standing too much, or a compilation of a bunch of things... All the same, I busted my knee and opened myself up for everyone to tell me how to ride a bike... best part is, I have to grit my teeth and listen, its the price I pay for being a terrible bike rider... So that was the first part.

On to following in a group... apparently I don't follow in the right spot, so when I'm behind Scott I get in his blind spot on accident, then he speeds up, then I try and keep pace (which is hilarious with a knee injury. Have you ever seen somebody limp while riding a bike? Its pretty hilarious), then everyone else is like "What the hell got into them?" MORAL: I Can't follow Scott anymore... When I lead, I always feel like I'm not going fast enough (probably because Scott is a machine and there's just no shaking him), so I end up going too quick (which is also bad for my knee)... MORAL: I can't lead.

Final funny story about poor bike riding... I had the first accident of the trip yesterday. We had just made it to Vancouver and were riding on a bike trail. Every time there was a driveway or something there'd be a four foot metal pool in the middle of the path... we were cruising, the order was Scott, Stu, Ryan, Andy, then Matt... Well, I don't really know how it happened, but all of a sudden there was a pole, I screamed a percussive two word curse starting with"Oh" and ending with "Quieting somebody before a pronoun"... I hit my left handlebar on the pole and went flying. All I could think was, "oh crap, I hope Andy can dodge my bike," I rolled once on the ground and bounced to my feet. I was completely fine, not a scratch physically, but boy was my pride bruised- MORAL: I Can't follow Stu... My placement in this line is becoming more strict every day.

I was gonna write a blog about the incredible hospitality of people in the Northwest, and about some awesome people we've met with some stellar stories, but I thought it was necessary to share the story of the worst Bike rider...

Ryan C. Kolegas


Rob said...

I'm tired of hearing this "I'm the worst bike rider" bullshit. It's un-American. No Kolegas is going to be the worst at anything, let alone bike riding. Now buck up and get your head right.

Also, I went to a comic book convention yesterday and it was awesome. Look at the pictures on facebook.

Unknown said...

I agree completely with Rob. Bicycling across the United States is what tiggers do best!

Godspeed, may the Force be with you, and happy adventuring!