Monday, June 23, 2008

Scott: It Happened Again

We were riding in to Seattle along Lake Washington BLVD when it happened. The map we were using proved to be a bit faulty. This fact alone would have been fine. We could've asked some people for directions, or figured out a way to get over to Emma's (our hostesses) house by way of the sun. Instead, Stuart called mutiny. He called mutiny on me, and what did that accomplish? Probably one of the worst ideas brought forth by the rest of the riders we've had so far.

Trust the computer. Matt rode over to the jeep, and we proceeded to use the navigation system Adam has on his new car. There are two problems with this system. One: It defeats the whole point of riding fully loaded and self sustained. It's cheating. Two: Cheaters never prosper. I couldn't do anything to change the minds of the group though. Mutiny had been called on me.

So we rode up the steepest hills I had ever seen, all the while Andy expressing how he loves, and will always trust, computers. I enjoyed the exercise. This was the first time I had used my highest gear. The computer brought us up and down, over and over, until finally it got us onto Spokane. With a quick right turn we found there was no longer a shoulder to bring us safe passage, but it was too late. We were on a one way track to the highway. The upper bridge which connects Seattle to West Seattle apparently doesn't allow bikers on it, nor does it give warning that it doesn't allow bikers on it.

I was ahead, but I hear tales of a cop pulling the rest of the group over and scolding them to get off. It doesn't make sense to me why you would have someone stop on the side of the highway if you don't want them on it in the first place. It's not like this was our brilliant plan to get some good footage for the documentary, although I think we might have, and get thrills from the traffic passing close by on the left at speeds of 100 plus mph. We wanted to be off of this God forsaken bridge as much as he wanted us to be.

After some searching, we found a clear safe path to West Seattle... and parents, there is no need to worry. I exaggerate a bit for dramatic effect. It really wasn't that bad. We'll be more on the ball from now on. Seattle was great.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Hope we can communicate when we're out there so we can hook up with you guys. I know there's a coffee shop that is computer friendly, but we'll have to wait till we're on the island to test phones. We leave in a couple hours. (It's 7/25.) Can't wait to see you all and get a group leg shot! =)